The Complete list of all Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables and their benefits for a healthier life

A‑Z list of all Herbs

Complete list of all Herbs Fruits and Vegetables

A‑Z List of all Herbs


Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Alka­net, also known as Alkan­na tinc­to­ria, is a plant species belong­ing to the Bor­ag­i­naceae fam­i­ly. It is native to the Mediter­ranean region and is cul­ti­vat­ed in var­i­ous parts of the world for its red to .…

Prunella vulgaris

Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

All­heal, also known as Self-heal or Prunel­la vul­garis, is a peren­ni­al herba­ceous plant belong­ing to the mint fam­i­ly (Lami­aceae). It is native to Europe, Asia, and North Amer­i­ca and can be found in var­i­ous habi­tats, .…

Aloe vera

Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Aloe vera is a suc­cu­lent plant known for its thick, fleshy leaves that con­tain a gel-like sub­stance. It has been used for cen­turies for its med­i­c­i­nal and cos­met­ic prop­er­ties. The gel found inside the leaves .…


Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Ama­ranth is a genus of flow­er­ing plants in the fam­i­ly Ama­ran­thaceae. It is com­mon­ly known as ama­ranth and includes sev­er­al species of herbs, shrubs, and small trees. The genus Ama­ran­thus is known for its nutri­tion­al .…


Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Angel­i­ca is a genus of aro­mat­ic plants that belongs to the Api­aceae fam­i­ly, which is also known as the car­rot or pars­ley fam­i­ly. The genus Angel­i­ca con­tains sev­er­al species, with Angel­i­ca archangel­i­ca being one of .…

Rhodiola Rosea

Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Arc­tic root, also known as gold­en root or Rho­di­o­la rosea, is a peren­ni­al herb that belongs to the Cras­su­laceae fam­i­ly. It is native to the cold regions of Europe, Asia, and North Amer­i­ca, par­tic­u­lar­ly in .…

Withania somnifera

Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

With­a­nia som­nifera, known com­mon­ly as ash­wa­gand­ha or win­ter cher­ry, is an ever­green shrub in the Solanaceae or night­shade fam­i­ly that grows in India, the Mid­dle East, and parts of Africa. Sev­er­al oth­er species in the .…

Ocimum basilicum

Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Oci­mum basilicum, com­mon­ly known as Sweet Basil, is a pop­u­lar and aro­mat­ic herb from the Lami­aceae (mint) fam­i­ly. It is native to trop­i­cal regions of Asia, specif­i­cal­ly India, but is now cul­ti­vat­ed and used world­wide .…

Calendula officinalis

Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Cal­en­du­la, also known as Cal­en­du­la offic­i­nalis or pot marigold, is a flow­er­ing plant that belongs to the Aster­aceae fam­i­ly. It is native to south­west­ern Asia, west­ern Europe, and the Mediter­ranean region but has been nat­u­ral­ized .…


Updat­ed: 02-04-2024

Cin­na­mon is a spice that comes from the inner bark of trees belong­ing to the Cin­namo­mum genus. It has been used for cen­turies as a fla­vor­ing agent, culi­nary spice, and med­i­c­i­nal herb. There are two .…

The Complete A‑Z list of all Herbs

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Complete list of all Herbs

So, herbs are like nature's special gifts. They're not just plants – they're like little helpers that make our lives better in different ways.

And the more we know about them, the more we can benefit to make ourselves feel great again. This complete list of all Herbs will help you achieve that.

Immune system support

The Herbs listed below will help boost your Immune system
Polygonum multiflorum
Gynostemma pentaphyllum

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