The Complete list of all Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables and their benefits for a healthier life



List of all Fruits
An apri­cot is a small, round fruit that belongs to the Prunus genus, which also includes plums, cher­ries, and peach­es. Apri­cots have a soft, vel­vety skin that can range in col­or from pale yel­low to orange. The flesh of the fruit is usu­al­ly sweet and juicy, with a slight­ly tart fla­vor.

They are often enjoyed fresh, but they can also be dried, canned, or used in var­i­ous culi­nary dish­es such as jams, pre­serves, desserts, and even savory dish­es.

Apri­cots are a good source of vit­a­mins like vit­a­min A and vit­a­min C, as well as dietary fiber and antiox­i­dants.