The Complete list of all Herbs, Fruits and Vegetables and their benefits for a healthier life



Ylang-ylang, pro­nounced ee-lang ee-lang, is a trop­i­cal tree native to South­east Asia, par­tic­u­lar­ly in Indone­sia, Malaysia, and the Philip­pines. Its sci­en­tif­ic name is Canan­ga odor­a­ta. The tree is known for its fra­grant flow­ers, which are used in var­i­ous appli­ca­tions, includ­ing per­fumery and aro­mather­a­py.

The ylang-ylang tree pro­duces large, yel­low-green flow­ers with a strong and sweet flo­ral scent. The essen­tial oil extract­ed from these flow­ers is high­ly val­ued for its fra­grance and ther­a­peu­tic prop­er­ties. Ylang-ylang essen­tial oil is used in per­fumes, cos­met­ics, soaps, and oth­er beau­ty prod­ucts.

In aro­mather­a­py, ylang-ylang oil is believed to have calm­ing and mood-enhanc­ing effects. It is often used to relieve stress, anx­i­ety, and depres­sion. The oil is also known for its aphro­disi­ac prop­er­ties and is used to enhance libido and inti­ma­cy.

Ylang-ylang flow­ers are some­times used in tra­di­tion­al med­i­cine as well. The leaves and bark of the tree have been used in herbal reme­dies for var­i­ous ail­ments, such as fever, malar­ia, and diges­tive issues.

Over­all, ylang-ylang is a ver­sa­tile plant with a delight­ful fra­grance, and its oil and flow­ers have found appli­ca­tions in the beau­ty, well­ness, and per­fumery indus­tries.

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