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Adder’s tongue fern

Adder’s tongue fern

Adder’s Tongue Fern (Ophioglos­sum spp.) refers to a genus of ferns that are known for their unique appear­ance and life cycle. These ferns are small, incon­spic­u­ous plants that grow in moist, shad­ed habi­tats such as wood­lands, wet­lands, and grass­lands.

The name “Adder’s Tongue” comes from the appear­ance of the fer­tile frond (spore-bear­ing struc­ture), which resem­bles a snake’s tongue. The ster­ile fronds, which are much larg­er and more con­spic­u­ous, resem­ble a tra­di­tion­al fern leaf. This con­trast between the two types of fronds is a char­ac­ter­is­tic fea­ture of ferns in the genus Ophioglos­sum.

The life cycle of Adder’s Tongue Ferns is also dis­tinc­tive and fas­ci­nat­ing. They repro­duce both by spores and by a spe­cial­ized under­ground struc­ture called a corm. The corm is a thick­ened, ver­ti­cal stem that stores nutri­ents and allows the fern to sur­vive adverse con­di­tions and pro­duce new fronds each year.

Adder’s Tongue Ferns are not com­mon­ly cul­ti­vat­ed and are typ­i­cal­ly found in their native habi­tats. Due to their small size and often hid­den loca­tions, they may not be as well-known as oth­er fern species, but they play an essen­tial role in their ecosys­tems and con­tribute to the diver­si­ty of plant life. As with any fern or plant, it’s impor­tant to respect their nat­ur­al habi­tats and refrain from dis­turb­ing them in the wild.

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